Dear Maya,
Merry Christmas!!!
Your first Christmas was not exactly as we expected--our schedule was kind of touch and go and you and mommy ended up catching colds, but it was still a very wonderful, special time.
Gifts started arriving for you several days before Christmas. There were deliveries of an awesome rocking frog and a fun fill and spill toy from Grandma and Papa Stan, some adorable outfits and a cuddly doll from Grandma Theresa, and some beautiful finger puppets from mommy's friend Amy. Also, mommy finally got around to something she'd been wanting to make for a long time--yarn-covered wooden letters spelling out your name for over your new crib. And of course they matched the colors in your new bedding!
On Christmas Eve we had a pretty relaxing day. Mommy baked some sugar cookies to add to the mugs of treats Uncle Matt and I had made to give out to relatives. We made one with your hand print to leave for Santa, and you got to eat a few of them yourself over the last three days. Other new foods you tried this past week were were muenster cheese, green pepper, and your Great Grandma's cookies and biscuits. The adults weren't the only ones eating their way through this holiday!
On Christmas Day we woke up early and got ready to go to your great grandparents' house. You were dressed in the prettiest little dress of red velvet and white tulle layers with black tights and patent leather shoes. No one could stop oohing and aahing over how cute you looked. You didn't let your runny nose slow you down as you visited with relatives and opened your presents--warm pajamas and a sweet musical toy from your great grandparents and your first 'laptop' from your great uncle and aunt!
We came back home in the afternoon and you got a decent nap in. Then it was on to round two of presents--your favorite of the gifts Aunt Rhi and Uncle Matt gave you was a wooden pull-along snail. You walked around with it trailing after you all afternoon! In the evening Aunt Bobbie, Aunt Kelsie and Shawn came over and you got a few more presents and had some more yummy food before calling it a night. It was a tiring day but a wonderful day for you and everyone around you.
Now it's time to start preparing for the next big event--your first birthday! Mommy's working on planning for your party next weekend and I hope you enjoy it! Love you!
P.S. Your new phrase, usually repeated only in front of mommy and daddy despite many tries: "Ho ho ho!" Ah, well. Here's to next Christmas!