Dear Maya,
You were born at 2:42pm on December 30, 2010, two weeks ago today. You were 13 days past your due date and it took 28 hours of inducing for mommy to dilate even halfway. When the contractions really started in earnest, there were times when your heart rate dropped, eventually leading us to the operating room. Thank goodness for the C-section option, because you had the umbilical cord wrapped around your neck three times! (Not to mention that mommy wasn't handling the pain well at all...)
Your daddy was in the operating room with us and got to hold you first. He was immediately curious about whether or not you had a Mongolian spot (a bluish mark just above the tush that many Asians are born with) and found yours with the nurse. Then he brought you over to mommy so I could look at and kiss you. When the nurse took you out to be weighed and checked, daddy stayed with mommy as I was still being operated on and was I shaking uncontrollably from the anesthesia.
Grandma, Stan, Uncle Matt, Aunt Kelsie and Aunt Bobbie were at the hospital when you were born. Grandma was amazing, staying calm and collected while watching mommy go through so much pain and a plethora of emotions. Because you didn't cry much when they first brought you out of the operating room, your Uncle Matt was worried that your vocal chords were affected by the umbilical cord around your neck. That was just your way, though, and you're still not all that much of a crier now.
During your first five days home, you slept quite a bit. Your first day you braved a trip to the obstetrician's office, where mommy's incision was checked for infection. At your first pediatrician's appointment the next day you got a clean bill of health. The only concern was that you had not gained any weight back, having been born at 8 pounds, 9 ounces and discharged from the hospital at 8 pounds, .3 ounces. On the other hand, you were in the 97th percentile for length/height at 22.5 inches!
Aside from doctor's appointments coupled with quick grocery shopping trips, we haven't left the house at all since coming home from the hospital. That's not to say that you didn't have visitors, from family to our landlady Hazue (you actually waved goodbye to her when she was leaving) to mommy's friends Charlotte, Steve, Felicia and baby Wyatt to daddy's bosses Roberta and Tom. You have almost always been in a good mood for everyone and have gotten so many compliments on how adorable and sweet you are.
Mommy's going to try to write this blog for you and all of the people who love you. Sometimes it might have more pictures than words and sometimes it may be a while between posts, but we want to share you with everyone who knows you or knows of you. But now mommy's got to sign off because you're hungry again.
Love you!
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