Dear Maya and Emi,
At the risk of starting yet another blog post saying so, where has this week gone? How did we spend our days? It's hard to remember! It's a good thing mommy sits down to write this once a week or the months and even years would probably feel as if they were passing even faster than they do now.
Maya, in between the consignment sale mommy was involved with last weekend, you and I managed to squeeze in a date one afternoon. Our town was having a pumpkin festival so we walked around, but you were too shy to participate in any of the activities. You were much more content to sit down with your first bottle of orange soda and do some people watching, then hit the park to climb your favorite tree, then stomp through the falling leaves on our walk back home. We had a lovely time.
We also went to the firehouse with the library story hour group this past week. Maya, this was your second time and you were the first one to climb into both the ambulance and the fire truck. When the fireman came out with his hat to let everyone try it on, you were not so anxious to volunteer, though.
Emi, you are coming into your own now. When we put you in your chair you like to watch the world around you and chew your fingers. When we put you on Maya's old 'baby gym' you gaze at your reflection in the attached mirror and try to eat the ladybug toy. When we tickle you your laugh is contagious! You're becoming more curious and independent, which may be why last night and tonight you gave us quite a hard time when we put you down to bed. You don't want the fun to stop!