Dear Maya and Emi,
Back to writing to the two of you! I know mommy blogged just a couple days ago, but that was Emi's birthday post, so here's our regular one before I forget all the busy, fun, and crazy that was our last week. Here goes...
Maya, on Wednesday you woke up with 5 insect bites of some sort, mostly on your shoulder and arm. Throughout the day they grew in size and puffiness until, despite the pediatrician's assurances that they weren't dangerous, we ended up taking you to the emergency room in the evening. Of course the ER doctor took a look at them and said they weren't dangerous. You totally enjoyed your hospital visit and couldn't keep from wiggling and smiling. It was pretty comical, actually.
Today, we celebrated an unexpected free afternoon with a trip to a small, local zoo! Maya, you loved looking for each new animal and even worked on reading the map. Emi, you seemed pretty happy to be in the stroller for a change and you even shared a look with a lemur.
After the zoo, we went to a nearby park for a little playground fun. Emi, you spent your time picking up rocks and lining them up on our legs. Maya, you found a couple girls to play pretend with and drove your firetruck to save every kitten in every tree everywhere. It was such a great afternoon!
Well, mommy needs some sleep. This coming week is going to be packed! Love you both!
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